I’m a self-declared life long student enrolled in a study of history, civilization, and comparative mythology. One of the most fascinating subjects, almost taboo to discuss, is to look with morbid curiosity on the practice of blood offerings....be it lovely doves or gentle lambs, but especially, humans, and even more so…. innocent human children. We ponder the mystery of a superstitious culture when we view the image of a delicate child mummy sacrificed thousands of years ago in some pre-Colombian ritual. We contemplate what kind of human need there was for this sort of dark practice, and if the seeds of this need lurk in us still today, passed genetically from an ancestor who lived hundreds and thousands of years ago. This ritualistic killing was usually associated with appeasing a god, often to ensure a good harvest. However, no culture is exempt from this practice.

admittedly, with not too veiled and very feigned reverence.
In Bertrand Russell's A Free Man's Worship, Moloch is used to describe a particularly savage brand of religion:
"The savage, like ourselves, feels the oppression of his impotence before the powers of Nature; but having in himself nothing that he respects more than Power, he is willing to prostrate himself before his gods, without inquiring whether they are worthy of his worship. Pathetic and very terrible is the long history of cruelty and torture, of degradation and human sacrifice, endured in the hope of placating the jealous gods: surely, the trembling believer thinks, when what is most precious has been freely given, their lust for blood must be appeased, and more will not be required. The religion of Moloch — as such creeds may be generically called — is in essence the cringing submission of the slave, who dare not, even in his heart, allow the thought that his master deserves no adulation. Since the independence of ideals is not yet acknowledged, Power may be freely worshiped, and receive an unlimited respect, despite its wanton infliction of pain."
We even read of this practice in the Old Testament, from Joshua's "foundation sacrifice", King David's sacrifice of seven men, to the hint that perhaps Solomon the Wise would have cleft a child into two equal pieces to solve a dispute between a true mother and an impostor. To the Christians, the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross became the ultimate propitiation.

Some may offer to refute this claim, that these deaths and serious injuries inflicted by the family dog are merely “accidents”. But when we look at numbers, knowing the risks, and then to blatantly refuse to look at the evidence, parents who chose to keep pit bulls in households with small children, are playing roulette in such a way that it can only be compared to a willy-nilly sacrifice.
Yes, the leading cause of premature death in children is accidents. The most common accidents are accidental poisoning, falls, choking, and drowning. Most of these accidents are indeed preventable, but what differs between the object that caused the death, if it was an object at all, is that in the case of pit bulls, it is actually designed to kill. Window cleaner, medicines, stairs, popcorn, and swimming pools and lakes are not designed to kill any other being. We can’t make the same claim for pit bulls. We can't blame phenomena like the laws of gravity, and lakes will be lakes. Try as we may, lightening and earthquakes neither can be harnessed, nor prevented. Whether or not it's true as the pit bull advocacy claims, it's not so much the coconut that kills, but the laws of physical science that govern the falling object, gravity and velocity that kills. Stop it with blaming coconuts and don't blame Isaac Newton!
Permitting a pit bull to interact with a child, even with the parent in the room,

These parents must fancy themselves
to be living incarnations of St. Francis of Assisi, cultivating their own tableaus of
"Lions and Lambs" right there on the davenport in the parlor. With all of the risks blatantly clear, their pathetic dramatizations and pretensions fail, and would be impresarios and thespians become inadvertent shamans participating in a kind of postmodern Human Baby Sacrifice.
Often we find the evidence in this posted proudly on the latest media inquiry:

(Observe the chaotic clutter, stained carpets and disgusting davenports, a general

What the pit bull advocate is attempting to prove, is that their anecdotal experience outweighs that ONE time a pit bull attacked. They claim, “I grew up with one, or several, or a dozen, and my dad, grand-dad, great-grand-dad (likely a dog fighter) always had them, no problems, but we had a Daschund that would bite you (dispelling the “it’s all how you raise ‘em myth”), this of course, in response to a mauling somebody’s Daschund. The horrible thing is, all it takes is ONE time, and a child’s life is needlessly sacrificed to Maloch, for no reason. You wish you could turn back time and replace the sweet pit bull with the mean Daschund...that child would be alive, or in better shape. And as for that “it’s all how you raise ‘em” mantra they express in a manner that reminds me of those people who go into an auto pilot rosary…
almost ALL attacks, regardless of breed, are done by family dogs!
Another mantra you will observe frequently is the posting of the “Nanny dog” myth.
It goes something like this: “these dogs are the ONLY dog purposely bred for the lack of human aggression, and when those “gentlemen” dogmen were done at the fight, the children would ride home in the tram with the injured dog”. There are some other parts to it…that these dogs are ideal with children because “they have a high pain threshold”, and “a high desire to please their owner”, and my favorite, “are the most loving”, right, so loving they want to gobble you up, and they smile and wag their tail the entire time doing so, I digress. What’s sickening, is there is a reverence to these horrible criminals who perverted the breeding of a dog to go after its own kind and kill, men who in their time, were considered to be low life thugs. The dogs were equally loathed, as was the sport of Bull Baiting, so detested in England, the Cruelty to Animals Act was passed in 1835.
Another mantra you will observe frequently is the posting of the “Nanny dog” myth.

The 19th century images of children posing with “Nanny Dog” (often looking horrified) only proves that there have always been unenlightened parents, and also should indicate that there has been progress made about attitudes about raising children, and certainly for safety. Note that animal welfare laws actually predate policies for children, such as the founding of the Children’s Aid Society in 1853 and the National Child labor Committee, formed to abolish child labor, in 1904. We no longer put cocaine in the cough syrup either.

”It was a terrible mistake. "I offer no excuses for what happened," the statement read. "I got caught up in the excitement of the moment. I would never intentionally endanger the lives of my children."
Child abuse experts also criticized Jackson's behavior. "Considering Mr. Jackson started a charity to protect children, this was alarmingly irresponsible behavior with a child," Prevent Child Abuse America's Kevin Kirkpatrick told wire services. "Holding a child like that with what appeared to be one arm while leaning over a fourth-floor balcony window is pretty careless to say the least."
"I would tell anyone who saw an adult dangling a child out of a window to call a child protection hotline and the police," Alliance for Children's Rights' Janis Spire told wire services.

Dozens of people rang a childcare hotline after Mr Irwin's performance, and the Australian Family Association called the conduct "child abuse".
The Childhood Foundation condemned the move as reckless.
"It's neglect... I don't think we should use children as props, and definitely not in situations that are going to put them in such danger," said the foundation's Joe Tucci.
Surely, there are risks in being alive, and indeed, try what we may, most children who die prematurely in the U.S.A. will die of accidents. The government does what it can to prevent this, mandating safety requirements that have led to the creation of seat belts, required fencing around privately owned swimming pools, and those child proof medicine bottles that I can not open. There was recent outrage on the loss of a family's rights when those all terrain vehicles especially made for children were banned...due to lead content. Currently, there is great debate on the dangers of school lunches; from the pink slime served at the cafeteria, to the confiscation of homemade lunches that some authority figure deemed to be of sub-standard nutritional quality.
Doctors warn of the dangers of Emo hair cuts leading to Lazy eye. |
There's more media attention to the dangerous of "emo" hair cuts and the danger's imposed to the child of the "tanorexic" mother, than there is to the banality of choosing a breed of dog seven times more likely to kill its owner than any other breed.
Tanning Mom arrested for Child Endangerment. |
My Granny survived cough medicines laced with cocaine. My own parents survived lead paint. I survived the *Easy-Bake Oven and those groovy clackers. My parents allowed for risks when they let me participate in tap dancing, skiing and they even allowed me to ride horses. I had some close calls, that pinto was half crazy! I loved that horse, and I’m grateful my own parents allowed me the "perilous" risk of riding, I learned some very valuable lessons, oddly, I’m going to sound like Cesar Milan here….being “Alpha” to a 1,200 pound animal with a mind of its own, putting trust into the relationship, and doing the thinking for a non-human being. Mostly, I enjoyed the thrill of flying and dancing with my beloved horse. I had my share of spills, but mostly I was lucky, supervised, and not allowed to go solo until 14. Besides, it's not usually the horse that kills...it's Newton's Law. There are safety requirements for children to wear helmets in at least public equestrian events. The pit bull advocacy balks loudly at the concept of putting muzzles on their dogs, and call it an invasion of their rights and suggest that it's a cruel practice. My horse was quite fine wearing a bit. With out the bit and stirrup, there would be no civilization as we know it. A simple muzzle in public, would allow for some civil safety and continued enjoyment of the "most superior breed of love".
Should have Patches the pinto had an incident that would have led to an
unfortunate premature demise of little ol' me back in the days of Roman Chariots, surely my parents would have received the same sort of criticisms launched at Michael Jackson and Steve Irwin, and to the parents of Jessica Dubroff , who died at the age of 7 when her plane crashed and Jessica Watson who sailed successfully if not unofficially about the world at the age of 17. These young girls had parents who allowed them to pursue rather audacious quests. At what age do we draw the line? I offer no answers, but very small infants and children have no voice and they have no choice.
There is a second sacrifice made when one of their own converts of the Nanny Dog is thrown under the bus by the pit bull advocacy,
when their own child is mauled by one. The parents of the child often end up expressing regret, and often send their other pit bull(s) to be euthanized with the one(s) that attacked. This after they were called all kinds of vulgar names, are bullied when they have already received a very horrible random punishment…”That was a sweet dog, he never tried to bite before, this was the first time!” …..and blamed for horrible negligence, for buying into the myth that advocates promoted in the first place. It’s a very strange ritual....first the child sheds blood, then the dog is sacrificed, then all of the survivors are put through a public grater that is likely the most painful sacrifice of all; left to mourn, question, and regret. They are the forsaken
Yet it’s not hard to find the root of the myth, which isn’t ancient but recent. So many well meaning people, wanting to participate in a kind of false civil rights movement for dogs to prove that they are more enlightened because they either missed the 60's because they were too young, not born yet, or would like to relive them again in their old age..., follow the dog behavior expert Cesar Milan. I admit it, I enjoy watching his show, and he is talented. I admire him as being the embodiment of a modern day Cinderella; a poor Latino who came to the U.S.A., followed his passion and became a huge success. I also know that his methods are disputed and viewed to be controversial by many dog behaviorists.
His statement "No dog is too much for me to handle", I find to be rather arrogant. He may be, but it's not true for his clients. I recall the episode of the two tofu eating sensitive new-age San Fransican's who had a "red zone" pit bull that attacked. Milan suggested he trade that pit bull for one of his, and they refused. I wonder how they are doing, and I hope they did not reproduce. What disturbs me most, is how he promotes pit bulls as family dogs, has made them fashionable, and now it seems, everyone has joined the cult of the pit bull at rates that makes the Scientology and Kabbalah centers envious.
"Because of Daddy, I'm getting one too"
"I used to be frightened of pit bulls, now I have one and they are my favorite forever!"
Should have Patches the pinto had an incident that would have led to an

There is a second sacrifice made when one of their own converts of the Nanny Dog is thrown under the bus by the pit bull advocacy,

His statement "No dog is too much for me to handle", I find to be rather arrogant. He may be, but it's not true for his clients. I recall the episode of the two tofu eating sensitive new-age San Fransican's who had a "red zone" pit bull that attacked. Milan suggested he trade that pit bull for one of his, and they refused. I wonder how they are doing, and I hope they did not reproduce. What disturbs me most, is how he promotes pit bulls as family dogs, has made them fashionable, and now it seems, everyone has joined the cult of the pit bull at rates that makes the Scientology and Kabbalah centers envious.
"Because of Daddy, I'm getting one too"
"I used to be frightened of pit bulls, now I have one and they are my favorite forever!"
and so forth.
His blog reveals that his primary passion is pit bulls, and bringing awareness to bullying (but not of pit bull victims). I'm sure he has stated that he is a "Do as I say and not as I do" kind of expert, but in this blog, he reveals some very disturbing attitudes. His converts are expressing the same kind of nonchalance. Where are the children's advocates and agencies expressing outrage?
Oh, how this myth spreads! I appeal to the pit bull advocates, especially Cesar Milan... it’s time to close Pandora’s box. By now, surely Moloch is sated, and is getting very, very fat.

The savage, like ourselves, feels the oppression of his impotence before the powers of Nature; but having in himself nothing that he respects more than Power, he is willing to prostrate himself before his gods, without inquiring whether they are worthy of his worship. Pathetic and very terrible is the long history of cruelty and torture, of degradation and human sacrifice, endured in the hope of placating the jealous gods: surely, the trembling believer thinks, when what is most precious has been freely given, their lust for blood must be appeased, and more will not be required. The religion of Moloch — as such creeds may be generically called — is in essence the cringing submission of the slave, who dare not, even in his heart, allow the thought that his master deserves no adulation. Since the independence of ideals is not yet acknowledged, Power may be freely worshiped, and receive an unlimited respect, despite its wanton infliction of pain.
Bertrand Russell, from A Free Man's Worship
So I close in the same manner in which I began, restating Bertrand Russell’s quote. This quote should remind you of watching an episode of a certain program on National Geographic. I wonder what became of the history, the civilization, and all of that comparative mythology?
CODA: This is what happens when a musician writes; Sonata Allegro form. In reality, it should have been a “Theme and Variations on yet another child sacrifice to the family pit bull”. I recall that Milan Kundera once wrote that this is why Beethoven’s last compositions favored the more ancient form; it’s more like real life.
*In February 2007, Hasbro and the Consumer Product Safety Commission recalled 985,000 Easy-Bake toy ovens after finding that children's hands and fingers can get caught in the oven's opening, thereby posing serious risk of burns. Since the recall, there were at least 249 reports of children getting their hands or fingers caught in the ovens, including 16 reports of second- and third-degree burns, and finger amputation. As a result, Hasbro recalled all front-loading Easy-Bake ovens sold since May 2006, even those that were repaired with the free kit distributed after the February 2007 recall.
Clackers (also known as Ker-Bangers and numerous other names) are a toy which was popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s. They consisted of two plastic spheres suspended on string which were swung up and down so they banged against each other, making a clacking sound. Clackers are similar in appearance to the Argentinian weapons, bolas. Clackers were discontinued when reports came out of children becoming injured while playing with them. Fairly heavy and fast-moving, and made of hard acrylic plastic (many thought incorrectly that they were made of glass) , the balls would occasionally shatter upon striking each other.
I wonder when the Consumer Product Safety Commission is going to recall pit bulls? They are more hazardous than Clackers and the Easy-Bake Oven COMBINED and then some!
Here is a Facebook page dedicated to posting photos of "Vicious Breeds and Children"His blog reveals that his primary passion is pit bulls, and bringing awareness to bullying (but not of pit bull victims). I'm sure he has stated that he is a "Do as I say and not as I do" kind of expert, but in this blog, he reveals some very disturbing attitudes. His converts are expressing the same kind of nonchalance. Where are the children's advocates and agencies expressing outrage?
Oh, how this myth spreads! I appeal to the pit bull advocates, especially Cesar Milan... it’s time to close Pandora’s box. By now, surely Moloch is sated, and is getting very, very fat.

The savage, like ourselves, feels the oppression of his impotence before the powers of Nature; but having in himself nothing that he respects more than Power, he is willing to prostrate himself before his gods, without inquiring whether they are worthy of his worship. Pathetic and very terrible is the long history of cruelty and torture, of degradation and human sacrifice, endured in the hope of placating the jealous gods: surely, the trembling believer thinks, when what is most precious has been freely given, their lust for blood must be appeased, and more will not be required. The religion of Moloch — as such creeds may be generically called — is in essence the cringing submission of the slave, who dare not, even in his heart, allow the thought that his master deserves no adulation. Since the independence of ideals is not yet acknowledged, Power may be freely worshiped, and receive an unlimited respect, despite its wanton infliction of pain.
Bertrand Russell, from A Free Man's Worship
So I close in the same manner in which I began, restating Bertrand Russell’s quote. This quote should remind you of watching an episode of a certain program on National Geographic. I wonder what became of the history, the civilization, and all of that comparative mythology?
CODA: This is what happens when a musician writes; Sonata Allegro form. In reality, it should have been a “Theme and Variations on yet another child sacrifice to the family pit bull”. I recall that Milan Kundera once wrote that this is why Beethoven’s last compositions favored the more ancient form; it’s more like real life.
*In February 2007, Hasbro and the Consumer Product Safety Commission recalled 985,000 Easy-Bake toy ovens after finding that children's hands and fingers can get caught in the oven's opening, thereby posing serious risk of burns. Since the recall, there were at least 249 reports of children getting their hands or fingers caught in the ovens, including 16 reports of second- and third-degree burns, and finger amputation. As a result, Hasbro recalled all front-loading Easy-Bake ovens sold since May 2006, even those that were repaired with the free kit distributed after the February 2007 recall.

I wonder when the Consumer Product Safety Commission is going to recall pit bulls? They are more hazardous than Clackers and the Easy-Bake Oven COMBINED and then some!
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Lawn Darts are banned. |
Special thanks to the kind folks on the facebook page Pit Bull Regulation Project in their assistance finding these unbelievable photographs! By the way, if you see a photo of your kid posing with your pit bull here and want me to remove it, let me know. I will obscure the face of your child per your request. All of these photos were found on the "i hate pit bulls page of facebook" or on yahoo images. That means you shared your photo in a public forum. Once you post them in a public place, people are free to share them. I wouldn't share photos showing your child placed in a perilous situation if I were you, then again, I wouldn't post a photo of my child, and I wouldn't have a pit bull if I had a child. Thanks for providing examples for the point I wanted to make for the greater good of promoting child safety! May a benevolent force for good keep your child safe in the mean time.
Here is another collection of darling children being subjected to dangerous dogs, all for a photo op. I'm still not sure what they are trying to prove....
Another pit bull advocate on facebook, I later learned that her other dog is a rare wild breed called a
New Guinean Singing Dog.
Other Human Baby Sacrifices....
Are you concerned about the imposition of lifestyle choices for innocent children?
Would you allow your child to smoke two packs a day? How is this different than allowing a child to interact with a type of dog purposely bred for fighting. The Tobacco Lobby and the Pit Bull Advocacy are so much the same. |
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Childhood obesity is ruled as child endangerment in a recent court case. |
How many of you would be concerned for the innocent mindsets of the children being raised in environments like this?
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Beauty pageants for children...do they develop self esteem or foster the development of a myriad of psychological problems? |
Two year old falls into an exhibit of African Wild Dogs, after mother puts child on rail for a better view.
Toddler placed inside a washing machine to play "peek-a-boo".
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A conservationist released a video of his child playing with Gorillas, to show how gentle they are. |
Pit bull falsely blamed for biting off the finger of child....it was the pet piranha.
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Circus Clowns are too scary...rent some Alligators for your next pool party! |
We should be just as horrified at this....
fatally mauled or injured by dangerous breeds.
holy cow! outstanding blog post. can't wait for the nutter response.
ReplyDeletethe photo of the brown pit bull on a leash with the little girl freaks me out.
That is a genuine nanny Cane Corso! There's a guy who lives near by, and he has a breeding pair who take him on walks in the local cemetery behind my house. When they see my dogs, they hang themselves with eager aggression, rearing in the air and barking with a nightmarish savageness...at the ends of a retractable leash!
ReplyDeleteLOL. You MUST be a drama fan.
Delete...these dogs were bred for DOG AGGRESSION, for dog fighting, not FOR HUMAN AGGRESSION. any dog can attack a person! it's up to the pit bull owners to be responsible and make sure their dogs cannot harm any other animals. BUT, as a pit bull owner, i will not sit here and listen to people talk like they're human eaters! it's simply false, to say the least.
DeleteTiffany, just as the OP...most of the supporters of this crap blog are delusional, crazies. Then pretend to be smart/educated, but their is nothing to support that, because they base NOTHING on facts. This post is nothing but someones cry for attention. Pathetic. Sad. Bigots.
Delete"This post is nothing but someones cry for attention."
DeleteSeems apt. Also, I think they went off their meds without consulting a physician.
excellent post...partway through...will give actual perspective later...in the meantime...you might want to modify this...
ReplyDelete"Surely, there are risks in being alive, and indeed, try what we may, most children in the U.S.A. will die of accidents. "
as I'm pretty sure the last clause does not represent what you were meaning (i.e. that most children that die will die from accidents).
just mention it to throw water on nutter ammo.
Thanks for alerting me. I worked on this harder than most of the papers I wrote in Graduate School, and I must have had a blond soprano moment!
DeleteTHIS explains it ALL.
Delete"The savage, like ourselves, feels the oppression of his impotence before the powers of Nature; but having in himself nothing that he respects more than Power, he is willing to prostrate himself before his gods, without inquiring whether they are worthy of his worship." -Russell
ReplyDeleteLove Russell, thanks for the quote and adding to my reading list. Your post is a brilliant comparison. I'll add something if I might.
This reminds me of the egotistical bases of these things. Many of us cannot accept our own limited power, as Russell points out, as it offends our egotism. When the gods were sacrificed too, in a twist, humans were sacrificing those children to their own want of power. The gods perhaps merely an intermediary for their egotistical desires, or (more likely) the gods being a projection of their idealized selves. This is why those gods knew so well their daily struggles, often agreed with them, and knew how to dry the tearful eye: the gods were their ego written large upon the cosmos.
Now, this reminds me very much of the nutter's egotism. They are willing to endanger themselves, their loved ones, and, of course, others in order to gain attention, a feeling of special knowledge/enlightenment, and to have at least the illusion of power and control.
That is why they all seem the same. They are all acting from primitive urges that they themselves do not understand.
DubV, of course you may add on to this...that is the purpose of this blog, to encourage discussion, for people to add their own insights and perspectives! Your addition illuminates a basic concept. Let’s continue to throw stones into our little pond, and observe and allow the concentric circles of thought to flow where they will.
DeleteIsn’t it ironic to live in an age of technology, and to look about us to realize that more than ever, we collectively suffer from a huge existential crisis? We can empathize with our ancient ancestors, who lived in a superstitious rather than a scientific world. Yet I'm seeing that we still are a superstitious lot, and we must have some base need to engage in ritual sacrifices that God who should serve us if we make the RIGHT sacrifices. We anthropomorphize God in the same manner as pit bull tribe does their dogs. The pit bull has replaced for many, the mythic hero, perhaps has become a kind of demi-god. Our society has replaced the cannon and all of that Western Civilization with political correctness to our own peril. What we have harvested from this rather successful derailment is:
1. A generation or two of young men who don’t know who their fathers are, don’t know what it is to be a man, and so they embark on to a rather shallow, dark, and self-destructive path. Now we have an epidemic of perpetual Peter Pans who suffer from fragile masculinity issues, and it manifests in Neighborhood Watch vigilantes shooting young men in hoodies, adolescent boys who take guns to school and shoot their classmates, and young men who pick up effeminate men and beat them within an inch of their lives to pose them on rural fences as if they were scarecrows. That pit bull with the great big chain (and all of the trappings) represents their coming-of-age ceremony. The feminine form also suffers with out a male role model intact.
2. A generation or two of very sensitive people who have guilt over being human…that they make the world suffer from their very existence. An expression of this can be found in the many pit bull advocates who frequently express that they despise human kind.
3. The desire to connect in a cause and fellowship. This is important when we are loosing our ability to communicate in an age of an explosion of INSTANT COMMUNICATION! Innately, these people know that cooperation is the key to success. They are correct. Hitler knew this too. In the end, existence is such a lonely, meaningless experience. At least with this cause, there is a little emotion. Strange that victims of pit bulls are not reaping much positive attention.
Behold, Rome falls again, we are privy to watch the wrecking ball smash it to a little pile of crumbs. Who knows if there will be anyone to care to investigate it in its post-mortem state with the curiosity as you and I would a tiny dusty mummy sitting in a corner of a cave?
Maybe I'm just in a fatalistic kind of mood today, well that's what my Horoscope said anyway, Sun in opposition to Mars....
He he he he!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your passage about how nutters abuse the concepts of risk in life to their own benefit. Over and above their blatant lies, I see this abuse of reasoning along with their misuse of the concepts of blame as their supposed lynch pins that most need pulled. If I may add a few of my own thoughts, many of which you either mentioned or I think implied....
ReplyDeleteOf course, we all expose ourselves and others to some risks. The positive aspects of having some cleaning products, water, pets, and hard surfaces in our surroundings tend to outweigh the potential negatives. However, I could not argue with the logic of a parent that refused, for example, to have any medications, toxic chemicals, or pets in their home when children are present (perhaps their meds are kept outside the house and all cleaners are something like water mixed with vinegar).
Their reasoning towards pets might go along the lines of "even if I take all precautions, there is still a remote chance of my child be harmed by an even small, gentle dog; therefore I choose to subtract this but add other positives that are seemingly more safe."
The nutters though are like someone noticing that chemicals are commonly kept, for obvious reasons, and then thinking that justification to keep any chemical. Instead of using a chemical that suits the purposes but is relatively safe, they would make this equivalent to cleaning your counters with a concentrated acid. Or like those that notice that the benefits of a shower are obvious, so they justify choosing a shower that is complete with electrical outlets and a horrible safety record in comparison to other models.
The nutters argue as if it is a decision between no dog and something like a pit bull. If all dogs suddenly represented the same risk as pits, I am not sure I could justify most people having a dog at all. Thank goodness this is not the case. As has been stated by many others, if you decide that having a dog of some sort is a well taken risk, the least you can do is select a type that will give the benefits while subtracting as many negatives as possible. And this is doubly true when you are the one who will be getting most of the positives while others are exposed to the negatives of a decision in which they have no part and will likely not benefit from you having made it.
I LOVE this blog post! Best one yet! Yes, where are all of these advocates for children?! Where is the outrage???!!! I don't get it! These pit bull cultists play the unsuspecting public for thousands of dollars in donations to save a pit bull on death row for mauling people, and even killing a child..."Let's give this poor dog a second chance," they say....but what about the children? Don't the homeless children deserve a second chance? Don't the children incarcerated for being bullied into shooting their classmates deserve a second chance then? What the hell has become of our society?! Is the life of a vicious dog that has mauled someone to death more valuable than the life of our children??!!! Yes, WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE!!!??? Great blog post! Love it! Well written, and so true! Love the pics too!
ReplyDeleteI think we need to be knocking on their doors, inviting them to some awareness rallies, walks and blood drives and the like.
DeleteSomeone needs to knocking on your door, it is completely ignorant to single out one animal such as the pit bull. The owners of any dog whether it be shepard, rottweiler, pit bull, or even doxen can turn them into a viscious animals it is so closed minded. I am so sorry that I even read this nonsense, the only reason I did is because you stole and posted a picture of my friends child without her permission and I needed to see what kind of scumbag was doing this. You know trolling the Internet for pictures of children you don't know is flat out creepy that's the kind of thing a sex offender would do! Shame on you!
DeleteThe only problem with your 'Logic' Jewel, human beings are capable of choice. They know that shooting someone will hurt them, and with the knowledge of right and wrong, they STILL make the choice to shoot, and bully fellow human beings. Dogs bite not because they are malicious, but because they are raised without rules, and allowed to run wild. They bite out of fear, or because they are hurt. They do not bite out of hatefulness. Dogs are NOT equal to humans, but YOU are trying to make them equal because it would serve your purpose. The dogs that are neglected, put in situations they are afraid of, and that are abused are more often then not PTS. Children that are neglected, abused, etc...are put into homes, therapy, and jail. These children watch TV, eat three meals a day, have a roof over their head and most of the time have a chance at re-entering society. The fact is...if ANY dog attacks/bites a child, it is more than likely going to die. If a human attacks/shoots another person, they will more than likely get prison time, therapy, a chance at an education, a roof over their head, three square meals a day, and can still have their loved ones visit.
DeleteOh and PLEASE come knock on my door...I have scars from being attacked ... BY MY FATHER! I was a small child when he did it too. You people don't have a damn clue how good criminals have it. Again, PEOPLE HAVE A CHOICE TO BE EVIL AND CRUEL...DOGS DO NOT, THEY ARE JUST DOGS! No matter what breed.
As Jewel said, if you suspend consequences because someone's background might've prompted something, then you do away with accountability. I'm sure many killers were abused as children, just as many pits that kill someone were not handled well. There still must be consequences if society is to function.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that there must be consequences for humans, and dogs. My question is...Why single out one breed? Why attack people that don't have the same beliefs you do about said breed?
DeleteDo you attack the people that think pedophiles deserve to live/work where ever they want, (even if it is a school) if, and when, they are released from prison because they "Did their time"?
I mean common people! There are other things out there to fight for. Things more relevant.
Because it is the most dangerous breed of commonly kept dog in the USA. Why do we attack others? Because they are endangering other people and their pets.
Delete"They are all acting from primitive urges that they themselves do not understand."
ReplyDeletewow. once again you sum it up in one succinct sentence.
LOL. So, people that own 'pit bull' type dogs are "acting from primitive urges that they themselves do not understand"? Really? How exactly would you know that? That makes you sound ignorant. NOT 'educated' as I am sure you hoped it would. That goes for the OP of that crap, AND Dawn for re-posting it.
DeleteI did not rescue my 'pit bull' mix dog because of some "primitive urge" that I don't understand. I understand exactly why I adopted him. It was because he needed a home, and I bonded with him after 2 weeks of volunteering at the shelter he was being housed at.
Talk about a bunch of judgmental, idiotic, BS. Lol.
Contemplate the outrage over this mother's imposition of risks to her child, and compare it to the risks of subjecting a breed of dog 6 times more likely to kill its own owner:
Holy crap! You really don't know anything about this subject do you? 6 times more likely than what exactly?
DeleteHi, I see you have a picture of my daughter and my dog up on your hate page and I want it taken down IMMEDIATELY. You can disagree with me all you want, but you will not take MY daughter's picture and write garbage all over it and post it wherever you please. I don't know you, really don't think I'd even want to know you... and you have no right to do so. I don't take pictures from people I don't like or agree with and post them to a sick and demented website. I will be getting the authorities involved. My daughter is a MINOR and I did NOT give YOU consent to post a picture of her ANYWHERE. I suggest you take it down now. Find something more productive to do with your time.
DeleteAmanda Heidt wrote: Hi, I see you have a picture of my daughter and my dog up on your hate page and I want it taken down IMMEDIATELY. You can disagree with me all you want, but you will not take MY daughter's picture and write garbage all over it and post it wherever you please. I don't know you, really don't think I'd even want to know you... and you have no right to do so. I don't take pictures from people I don't like or agree with and post them to a sick and demented website. I will be getting the authorities involved. My daughter is a MINOR and I did NOT give YOU consent to post a picture of her ANYWHERE. I suggest you take it down now. Find something more productive to do with your time."
ReplyDeleteDear Amanda Heidt: I consider this issue to be a very important, I fear for the safety of children. The authorities SHOULD get involved and this should be proof of child endangerment. You're right, you child is a minor, she has no say on what kinds of perilous choices her mother makes. Good news is that you can't take her to a tanning salon, and there may be soon be some restrictions on what kind of kooky hair cut she can have so it won't damage her eyesight, but heaven forbid, City Hall should want to pass some extra measures to keep people safe from what pit bulls can do. Per your request, I shall remove your photographs that show your tiny little daughter using a PIT BULL as a pillow. I believe the screen shots are mine, and I shall remove your name and obscure the photo.
This is mot a cute stunt. Pit bulls are seven times more likely to kill their own owners, and your child has been presented to the alter of Moloch. May a more benevolent power keep her safe. I'll be out there, working on her behalf.
God bless!
You're kind of psycho, right? Like, do you even realize how crazy you sound? "your child has been presented to the alter of Moloch" Absolutely nutso.
DeleteAlso, removing contrary comments proves how weak you are.
Are you talking about ME removing my comments? I removed some of them thinking that I wanted my name off of this disgusting page... when I realized that me deleting them didn't make a difference, I stopped. The only message that I deleted because I felt it was stupid and/or immature of me was the one where I commented saying that I publicly found a picture of her husband. So I don't know what your point is right now. I'm SURE she still has every comment that I ever posted and I would LOVE for her to post them back up.
DeleteI don't know who your comment was directed to, if it was to me or Julie - the psycho author. But she is weak and insane. Scary to know that there are people like her out there.
DeleteAmanda, I am pretty sure that Ashee was referring to the 'Author'.
DeleteJust making sure... this stupid blog has got me on edge. It really bothers me that a creep like Julie has saved my daughter's photo to her computer.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePer your request, I have altered the photograph of your tiny daughter using your pit bull as a pillow.
DeleteYou may want to read this, just happened today....
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI believe the screen shots are my property, this is not slander, it is what you wrote. Nonetheless, I shall remove your name from the screenshots as well, per your request.
ReplyDeleteThe right thing to do (morally), is to remove the pictures of any child you do not have the permission to use.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBeing a cyber bully isn't really something to be proud of either. There are MATURE ways to go about situations.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAll of us want to know, why do you post these kind of photos of your children online in the first place?
ReplyDeleteThe photo will be altered until you are satisfied.
I can only speak for myself when I say that I post pictures of my children online, posing with my dogs, because we have family all over the US that like to see them. And mainly, because they are mine to do with as I please. They are NOT intended for creeps to steal without permission, and deface. But, that is just me.
DeleteAnd regarding "bullying", you are never guilty of that sort of thing are you? Is it also slander to call someone a liar, and to suggest that they are a pedophile?
ReplyDeletelol what are you talking about? Did I call you a pedophile or a liar? I actually try to steer clear of bullying at all cost... maybe sometimes things come out wrong, have I offended you somehow? My apologies... I don't see how I could have, but I am sorry, nonetheless. Just because I take a quick pic of my daughter and my dog, does not make me a bad parent... I didn't leave her there and go take a shower. I took a quick picture and that was that. I know my dog wouldn't hurt my kids, you can underline that all you want. I don't leave my baby alone with her, or any dog... bottom line is, you don't know me. If you have a problem with my parenting or what I'm doing... talk to ME about it. Not your website. We are all adults here, I assume, so why not act like it? This page is slanderish and it is bullying. You want kids to be safe. I get that... so do I, believe it or not... but this is not a way to go about it. Even if I had pictures of you, I would not post them on a page and say rude remarks about you, even though I feel you are a very mean person...
ReplyDeleteAmanda Heidt: You suggested I was lying about what happened to my dog. I think that makes you a mean person, so there. I have the screen shot, but it has been removed. I shall doctor up the screen shot, so that the name is entirely removed.
ReplyDeleteThe question really, is why do you post photographs of your child in such a perilous position? Do you not get that it's not different than the other photos of children posing next to other dangerous animals? That dog, is it a pure bred pit bull? Colby lines perhaps? It's a dog bred to fight, not a dog breed suitable to have as a family pet. Did you see that TODAY, a little tiny baby was killed by a family pit bull?
Your Children are not your children, they are the sons and the daughters of life longing for itself.
The first freedom we have in the country, is the freedom of life. That little baby's first amendment rights were taken away from it, at three days of age.
This page is a blog, it's pure opinion, freedom of speech. I have a problem with parents putting their children in such a perilous situation, that's the whole theme of this particular blog. That's my opinion. You think there is no problem, that's your opinion. Which one respects the life of a child, ultimately? Are those mantras uttered by the pit bull apologia saving lives? It's all how you raise em! Good luck with that crap shoot, it's only the life of your child (which does not belong to you!)
Here is a poem, a kind of prayer I want you to consider:
Kahlil Gibran
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.
When will you be rounding up photos to post without permission of children with labs and jack russels, breeds that are more likely to bite?
DeleteRemoving contrary comments shows how weak you are.
@ Ashee, the 'author' is full of bitterness. That bitterness has made them angry, resentful, hateful, and ALL those things combined... has made them weak. It is sad to see isn't it?
DeleteI had a long paragraph typed out for you, basically defending myself... but it really won't make a difference and I don't need to defend myself. So just listen to this... I am sorry for calling you a liar, I am sorry if I judged you... I wish you no ill-will. Good luck in your quest at protecting children. All I want you to consider is maybe going about things in a nicer way. I have to tell pit bull advocates the same thing... us being mean to one another or name calling doesn't help anything. We just have to agree to disagree. If you have any other issues with me... please write me about it. Seriously think about how you would feel if your name and photo were plastered on the internet with horrible claims and accusations next to it... don't worry about my kids, I assure you, they're fine. I am the first one to speak out against child abuse... please don't act like you know all about me just because I have a picture with my daughter and my pup. Just be nice to people... and btw, I don't remember why I called you a liar, I don't remember what you said happened to you. If it was something horrible that involved a pit bull, I am truly sorry. Drop the hate... if you want to educate people... educate them, don't belittle them, don't mock them, do not call them names... talk to them like they are a human being. If they still don't listen, that's their problem, not yours. Being crude or rude to people is not the way to go... either way you look at it, it is bullying. Voice your opinion by saying, "Anonymous took a picture with her daughter and her pit bull, can you believe that?" That's freedom of speech... putting people's names and photos out there and doing that, is wrong. I wouldn't do it to you, even though this site makes me want to. I'm not that way. I know I didn't say anything to change your mind about pits... that wasn't my goal. Keep on fighting for what you believe in, just be classy about it. Don't stoop so low.
ReplyDeleteIt's kind of comical to hear a pit fan -- one who posts photos of her baby plus living-pit pillow on the Internet -- telling others to be classy about how they discuss things.
DeleteIt's also typical for a pit fan to assume it's them we're trying to educate, then to tell us exactly what tone of voice they consider appropriate when we do so. Wasn't Narcissistic Personality Disorder one of the several disorders that have been shown to be common among pit owners?
Like everyone else here, I'm hoping your baby doesn't pay the price for your choices.
Yeah... you people are completely sane and classy. Taking other people's pictures of their minor children and posting them to a WEIRD human baby sacrifice website. What is wrong with you?! And like everyone else who I've showed this creepy page to... I hope you are all hermits, it would be scary to know you actually come out and function in our society. You're right... you aren't trying to educate... you're just being cruel and judging others. Why don't you put your own face out there so people can judge you. Guarantee you, you're far from perfect. People who have this much evil in their heart, shouldn't be judging anyone for how they raise their kids. You should get some help. You people, up until now, have been the ones name calling and being vicious... who's the real monsters here???
DeleteSeriously. Their lives are obviously pretty boring if they're this OBSESSED with pit bulls and their owners. I'm the worst mother in the world because I took a picture of my kids with my dog... give me a break.
DeleteSweetie Pie-Your generalization of 'pit bull' owners shows your lack of class. I find it "kind of comical" myself you mention Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Did you find a therapist for that yet? Or, do you just point out your own flaws in others without seeing it in yourself? As for your comment "It's also typical for a pit fan to assume it's them we're trying to educate" ... Excuse me while I literally LOL. I wasn't aware that this 'opinion' piece was suppose to be educational. If that was it's intent...don't FACTS need to be involved? LOL...WOW!
DeleteEducational tracts generally contain facts, yes. Or at least statements made by experts which are then cited.
DeleteAshee, This isn't a Master's Thesis, been there done that. This is social commentary. It's a blog. Observation and opinion from my perspective.
DeleteBy the way, nice hair. I have the SAME hair do. Do you use GOT TO BE GLUE for that? Very cute!
Ashee, just so you know, I don't delete other people's comments, although I can do that since it is my blog. The author of any comment can delete the comment if they so chose. I still get it in my e-mail, and am want to copy and paste those, because they can be very "telling" about your side of the fence, so to speak. I especially like to collect the "ad hominem" attacks, my favorite!
DeleteOh, and the purpose of this blog is not "education", it's commentary. There are other blogs that already exist that do the job well, this is entirely commentary and opinion. You will need to read the first blog entry called "The First Church of Pit bulls", then you will glean what is the purpose of this blog..."A look at the zealotry, idolization, and martyrdom of pit bulls by the advocacy. This shall include artifacts, links, and parody of this zealotry."
In truth, it's more about the advocacy than it is about pit bulls. Pit bulls will be pit bulls, they can't help but being what they are. They need owners and advocates who can be truthful about what they are, they need empathy.
This particular post included "artifacts", I think that's what led you here, you know....those disturbing images of tiny babies using pit bull as a pillow. Perhaps until now, you only thought those images proved that pit bull was "Nanny Dog". Well now, you learn that some other folks see the same kinds of images to be evidence of parents who take needless risks with the lives of their children. Some people pose their kid next to pit bull, some of them put them in washing machines at the coin laundry. Lunacy.
Er, no, that was the day my stylist cut my hair and styled it that way, it was never worn in that fashion again.
DeleteAlso, I *have* photos of babies on pitbulls. And black labs. And corgis. But not dobermans, because mine did not much care for children, so he hid when my nephew would visit. Photos I took, not ones I saved off of strangers profiles. Because saving pictures of other peoples kids is just creepy.
And the baby? Is now 11 years old, and pit bull 13, and they're still the best of friends. I'm the only one he's even bitten, and it was the day I rescued him and he thought my finger was a french fry. He didn't even leave a dent in my flesh, but mourned his mistake all the same.
The point that reasonable people come to is that DNA does not always reflect behaviours. For example, we do not all exhibit the mental illnesses prevalent in our families, even when we carry it in our genetic makeup.
All dogs have the ability to bite, and to maul. I worry more about children around any untrained, unsocialized dog, but especially those with the highest bite pressure (hint: NOT PITBULLS) and prey drives (hint: NOT PITBULLS) and am an advocate for responsible pet ownership laws which have reduced bites, and not BSL, which has never in history reduced bites.
You are a nut job. Seriously, taking pictures of strangers children.... Human baby sacrifice?? What are you on? Talking about how pitbulls kill, well so does crack. I think its time for an intervention.
ReplyDeletelol amen.
DeletePhotos of "stranger's" children abound, I enjoy them on art, indeed, I think it's not to much of a stretch of the imagination to say that people can enjoy images of children without there being any sinister connotations....everything from Thomas Lawrence's Pinkie and Blueboy, to the paintings of Bessie Peace Gutmann, to those charming photographs by Anne Geddes. Thanks to you, I did a little research and found that this category of art is known as "putti", and that their use in the Baroque period of art, the putto came to represent the omnipresence of God." That's exactly how I see children, the omnipresence of God. No other image or being can universally conjure the powerful feelings of sympathy, compassion, than the child, whose very dimensions have been wrought either by nature or if you prefer, GOD, to do that. I find it vile and evil to subject them to a willy-nilly sacrifice.
ReplyDeleteWhen I see people purposely inflict a perilous situation on their children, I call that EVIL.
"Evil is the violation of, or intent to violate, some moral code. Evil is usually seen as the dualistic opposite of The Good. Definitions of evil vary, as does the analysis of its root motives and causes; however, evil is commonly associated with conscious and deliberate wrongdoing, discrimination designed to harm others, humiliation of people designed to diminish their psychological well-being and dignity, destructiveness, motives of causing pain or suffering for selfish or malicious intentions, and acts of unnecessary or indiscriminate violence. The philosophical question of whether morality is absolute or relative leads to questions about the nature of evil, with views falling into one of four opposed camps: moral absolutism, amoralism, moral relativism, and moral universalism."
"All that it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke
God Bless the children, keep them safe.
Okay THIS post clinches what I have suspected for a few posts now...You ARE delusional. I can't help but wonder what happened to you in your life that is so painful you have to find something like this to lash out about.
DeleteI don't think God would appreciate you judging and slandering other people. I don't think that is how He would handle things. You need to work on yourself. You seem to be very flawed as well.
ReplyDeleteAmanda, none of us like to see our integrity questioned or our actions made suspect. The author of this blog had exactly your reaction when you called her a liar. She did not like it either. Pit bull advocacy, in reaction to yet another pit bull attack, calls victims liars pretty much every time. The 22 year old Ohio new mom has been thrown under the bus. Comment after comment runs to "you never leave a baby with a dog, this family needs to be charged with negligence" "this is poor parenting" "these kinds of people should never be allowed to have children". Can you imagine how this family feels? I don't know about your house, but it is 5 steps from my living room to the refrigerator, three more to the sink. This girl probably got up to get a bottle, or rinse one out, get a drink of water. She is being crucified for her absolutely normal actions. The only thing this family did wrong was to believe the reassurances of safety made by pit bull advocates.
ReplyDeleteThe Toledo Blade had hundreds of these comments and they pulled the story, this abuse of the grieving is not acceptable. This happens to just about every victim.
I saw the story of my own attack, as re written by a local pit bull advocate and it was a fairy tale. As she told it, the attack never happened, I was a liar, I had apologised to the dog owner but had not made a public admission of my guilt, I should be forced in front to television cameras to apologise to pit bull advocacy for the crime of making pit bulls look bad. Every word of news coverage of the attack was verifiable through police reports, veterinarian statements and witness statements.
Now you know how hurtful this is because it happened to you. Please keep this in mind in the future. You chose this controversy, we did not. We were going on about the peaceful business of our peaceful lives when the violence fell upon us.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI gave you too much credit Amanda, sorry I wasted my time....
ReplyDeleteThese are your words "talk to them like they are a human being. If they still don't listen, that's their problem"
lol you people are nuts. Get a life... do something productive with your time. How old are you, 12? Leave my daughter out of your warped page and views. I don't give you people any credit for what you're doing, its wrong. You are CRAZY. Human sacrifice? Seriously... get your heads checked. I have a pit bull and I have children... my son somehow managed to get through 5 years without being mauled, I wonder how that happened. Oh that's right... because my DOG is not vicious and I am a GREAT mother. I am done wasting my time talking to you. I don't have to defend myself because there is nothing to defend. You people are nobodies to me and what you think does not matter. I can't believe I wasted my life on this ridiculous blog. I do not want to see my name or picture anywhere besides where I PUT IT. You do not have my permission. Glad we got that straightened out. If I see it anywhere, ever again, I will not even humor you with telling you to take it down, I will go straight to the authorities. Goodbye, and God Bless YOU. I WILL be praying for you.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for you Julie. And you may want to be careful around those chow chows and german shepherds... they're also known for having aggression issues. Very hypocritical. Someone who hates pits likes to dress chow chows up in hats? Odd. Whatever happened to you has made you a mean, spiteful woman with a grudge. Its not a good look... and can't be a nice way to live. You're not worried about children, you're punishing all pit bulls for what one did to you... your goal is revenge, not concern.
ReplyDeleteAmanda Heidt, The Chow Chow and the Belgian Malinois advocacy forewarn that these are not pets for families with children (that would mean if they have lots of children in their lives....grandparents and such), not the case here. If I had children, I would have a Beagle....yeah, go and tell me of the ONE death caused by a Beagle, it was due to a strangulation, and how a Beagle bit you. Had that been the case, you are lucky it wasn't a pit bull.
ReplyDeleteHuzzah for your little effort to make ad hominem digs, not being the bullying sort of all and the type who is outraged that anyone would dare to use your glowing example of motherhood as an example, invade on your "privacy" (a publicly shared photograph) glad to know you have now peeked onto my private facebook page, because I know for a fact I didn't share my any of my photos on the "I hate pit bulls page" for all to see, just amongst friends. I assure you, no vintage hats or plastic flowers were harmed in this little photo shoot for fun. Had they been mauled by my dog, on a leash by the way, they could be entirely replaced. You can't do that with a child. Maybe next time, you can replace the child with a plastic doll, since you care so much for her privacy. I think you care about YOUR image, that's it. We still haven't been enlightened...just what were you trying to prove with the photo of your new born child using a pit bull as a pillow?
1. Was it JUST a photo...as in, that baby is JUST a baby. I think you have proved that not to be the case. I don't think any child should ever be reduced to JUST.
2. Was it to prove that pit bulls make good pets for families with children? Well, statistics proves you wrong. Yesterday, there was another three day old child mauled, with similar circumstances. From what I hear, pit bulls have many triggers, and surely a flash on a sleeping pit bull being used as a pillow may be startled to react, be forewarned, it will wag it's tail the entire time, and that pristine white coat will turn as pink as that baby blanket. Then you will be thrown under the bus, and we will mourn for you and your child, and the pit bull. Poor thing, it's not a family pet.
3. Was it to prove you have great luck or lion tamer skills?
Well, good luck then.
If you think that regulations are revenge, then you really do not care about safety. Regulations would help many dogs too, and I wouldn't stamp my feet if Chows and Malinois (and mixes) were included, and they are prohibited in many places, as they should be. THEY ARE NOT FAMILY PETS FOR PEOPLE WITH CHILDREN!!! This is more true of pit bulls, who kill and maim more than Chows, Malinois, German Shepherds and Beagles combined. Oh, and a pit bull type dog killed my Chow mix, they really have no chance against a pit bull. That dog also ruined my wrought iron gate. It wagged its tail the whole time. I think that proves they are more dangerous. My case is not isolated, I know of several other Chows and Chow mixes killed by pit bulls. Chows and Malinois...certainly dangerous dogs, but not even in the same category as a pit bull.
Perhaps I shall see my Chow mix wearing a vintage hat on "I hate pit bulls"? Have fun!
I'll be praying for you Julie. I'll be praying that one day your bitterness is lifted from you and that one day you can lead a happy, healthy life. And no... you won't see your chow mix anywhere, unless you choose to put it there. Why? Because I don't do that to people. Even if I had a picture of your face, I wouldn't post it there. I have respect, even for you, a person who I do not like. You're a woman with a grudge, lol I get it... good luck with that.
ReplyDeleteTake my dog down. I talked to my local police department today.
ReplyDeleteyour local police have no jurisdiction over the internet. how old are you?
DeleteI'm 25, Dawn. How old are you? Care to answer? Are you over the hill and bored with your pathetic, miserable life so you have to sit here and stare at stranger's children? You creep. Or are you 12 and not know any better?
DeleteBe careful what you post on Facebook. If it is posted as public rather than private, it becomes public domain. The op only needs to remove any reference to you. This is the same way the news is able to use photos of you, your house, your dog, etc. While I wouldn't want pictures of my kids showing up on a forum like this, I, on the other hand, would never endanger the life of a child by even letting a pitbull in the same room as one. Too many children have been mauled to death by the so-called nanny dog.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAmanda Heidt wrote this, and then deleted it:
ReplyDeleteSo I have permission to post pictures of Julie's husband with her cat and bird and write whatever I please, since it was posted publicly?
My photos are private, but know what...I've seen members of your facebook pit bull tribe repost my personal photos, and even create a little page in my honor, using my name. You likely are a member, I DON'T CARE!
By the way, the cat, was about 18 years old, nearly blind, I don't know what you are going to accomplish publishing a photo of my husband and my two pets that have since passed over the "Rainbow Bridge", I've only shared that photo with my friends so it's kind of more revealing about you and your character, that you would go into my personal page to view photographs, and I merely copied and pasted a photo you shared on a public page called "I hate pit bulls". That's a bit creepy. In my photograph, are there any children who are put at risk? I'm assuming you are worried about the bird, well...are birds and human children the SAME thing? This wasn't due to my "mad lion tamer skills"...it was due to the fact, the cat was old and nearly blind and found his diet of kitty cat food to be enough. As for your photos...wasn't it to prove that you are a wonderful parent, and you have mad lion tamer skills?
Did you ask permission from your daughter to post her photograph all over the internet? I think you should wait until she's 18 before you do that, and only if she gives you permission. She is not your property. You may want to read of warnings of not sharing photographs of children online, there are criminal sorts who can easily find out where you live. I know you have hinted that I'm of that ilk, but I assure you, the purpose of this blog was to illustrate that people are making choices that put their children at risk. That's YOU!
Previously, you wrote that I could use the photo of the dog as long as I obscured the image of your newborn daughter (how many days old was she anyway!) and now you change your mind. That isn't your photo, it's a screenshot, which is my personal property, but per your request, I shall entirely remove the image of your hideous white pit bull. There are THOUSANDS OF THESE HUMAN BABY SACRIFICE photos available. You pit bull people have made it so common place, that most people have become numb to them. Huzzah to the pit bull advocacy, they do such a great job at promoting these dogs as family pets, and now more children will be sacrificed! Also, you will find them in "EPIC FAIL PARENTS" photo collections...along with images of children being held by the ankle by daddy to pet raccoons, tiny babies being held by mothers on the backs of motorcycles and the like. Sometimes photos like these are used as evidence of unfit parenting in dissolution and child custody battles....
Heaven help your children. May they be lucky to survive their childhood.
ReplyDeleteHey angry lady... might want to put a DANGEROUS DOG sign in your front lawn. You are putting your neighbors, especially their CHILDREN in danger for your own SELFISH needs of having a chow chow. You can't condemn pit bull owners when you have a so-called "DANGEROUS" breed yourself. And yes, I did write that... I deleted it because it was immature. I'm trying very hard not to stoop to your level. You need not worry about my children... my dog has been trained and has passed all temperament testing, MORE THAN ONCE. But, I'm sure you don't care. What about your dogs? What kind of training has your "vicious beats" had? I betcha, NONE. I feel sorry for your neighbors. And exactly... you have NO IDEA how old my daughter was, so don't make assumptions. Be careful falling asleep at night with your ticking time bombs in the house.
Amanda is showing us why she was arrested in Toledo for a charge of menacing. No wonder Amanda hates public records. I bet she is afraid of certified mail also.
DeleteAnd yes, you freak... OF COURSE I'M GOING TO LOOK AT YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE WHEN YOU TAKE PHOTOS OF MY DAUGHTER. Are you kidding? THAT'S CREEPY. Leave the children alone. Post whatever you want about the dogs, but taking children's photos is disgusting.
ReplyDeleteHaving such a narrow view of the world really limits the joy it can bring. I also find it disheartening that someone (the Author) wastes so much valuable time 'talking' about their concern for children when the hour, or hours, taken to write/research this racist crap would have been better spent at their local Big Brothers/Big Sisters actually DOING SOMETHING for CHILDREN.
ReplyDeleteI believe that people like the Author are usually considered 'trolls' because they sit behind a computer screen finding stuff to complain about instead of DOING something productive IN the REAL WORLD. I am guessing the author is very young, and may currently be a student, or is a recent college graduate. I say this because you can tell that the 'authors' life experience is VERY LIMITED, and resources for the 'opinion' piece are not based on anything other than things found on the internet.
The pure judgmental, biased, racist, and prejudicial way in which the 'author' went about writing this piece, as well as responding to comments, shows a lack of maturity, sophistication, class, education, experience, empathy, and tact. Being so narrow minded and trying to pass it off as 'opinion' and/or compassion for one person/thing while attacking another person/thing is not compassion or opinion. It is pure ignorance. Nothing more. Nothing less.
My hope for the author, as well as those that support this piece, is that as they grow up, they experience more of the world, and as they do...they open their hearts.
If you (Author) feel the need to attack me for my 'opinions' here are a few facts. I have three dogs. All three are mixed breed rescues. (There may even be one. or two, with some variation of 'pit bull'.). I am married. I have three children. I am a new grandmother. I am college educated. I am a professional. I am a tech junkie. I make a VERY comfortable living. I own my own home. I am a foster parent for children, AND animals. I foster children, because I WAS a foster child. I foster animals because I have experienced abuse/neglect first hand, and I have watched animals being abused, (even killed), by one of my very own parents. I do not drink, or do drugs because I have also seen first hand what it does to people. I am a reformed smoker. I swear more than I should. I am a (self diagnosed OCD), clean freak. I spoil my children, friends, and pets. BUT, I am most proud of the fact I volunteer. I volunteer for MANY different causes. I DONATE my TIME...NOT JUST my OPINIONS. I am doing what I can to make a difference... Not just writing an 'opinion' piece about it.
DeleteBesides, are there not other things in the world that you (Author)can advocate for that will actually SAVE children? Maybe something that is a pressing issue for said children?
Consider this... About 30 children a year are killed by dogs (not just "pits", but ALL breeds), while 10,800+ people, (14% of those where children.-So, that is 1,512 CHILDREN) die every year due to drunk driving ALONE. Not to mention abuse, starvation, drugs, Etc. I mean give me a break! Why don't you find a cause that actually needs to be fought. I am sure you were proud of yourself while writing this, and maybe you were even thinking, (Because of your internet education on the subject), that it was a HUGE problem in the world. But, Let's face it...it was a waste of time and frankly...childish. This is EXACTLY why the world is going to hell in a hand basket. People that are otherwise smart, capable, individuals, waste their valuable time, and energy, on shit that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
I would have had incredible respect for you (Author), had you actually done your research on this subject. Instead, I am just disgusted that you wasted your writing talent on such junk. Opinion or not, it should have some relevant facts instead of stolen pictures, incomplete research, false-'facts', childish picture edits, etc.
I do thank you for giving me something to do in the 3 minutes and 52 seconds I had to waste while waiting for my coffee. I sure hope you consider giving up writing this junk. Instead, get out there and DO something for those you claim to be advocating for. It will fill that hole you feel inside & heal whatever caused your bitterness. Best of luck to you.
Hey now, I graduate from college in less than a month, we're not all morons :P
DeleteLOL. Ashee, I in no way, meant to imply that anyone other than the OP, was a moron. LOL. I guess it really is all a matter of our individual perceptions isn't it? :)
DeletePs. I am really LOL right now.
"I am only worried about the safety of children!
ReplyDelete....So here are some photos of children and their mother's name, posted online for anyone to see... Do with them as you see fit"
Deletelol right? She's not concerned about anyone... she's just a bored old woman with nothing better to do.
DeleteThere are literally HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of pit bulls living in homes in America. If pit bulls are so inherently dangerous, can you please explain to me how we don't hear about hundreds of thousands of bites, let alone fatalities, every year? Why aren't there thousands of attacks each month by pit bulls, at the very least? Oh, it's because the VAST MAJORITY of pit bulls are well-loved, well cared for family dogs. They live with cats, babies, in apartments, houses, trailers, etc! I grew up with cats, never before had a dog--and now I have a pit bull! I adopted her AS AN ADULT from a shelter--I also have 2 cats (whom she adores) and 2 rats. My girl shows no hint of a prey drive--and LOVES children! She is extremely gentle around kids, never so much as jumping up to kiss them, like she does with adults.
ReplyDeleteEven pit bulls who have been bred for dog aggression are bred to be great with humans--in a dog-fighting pit there are 2 dogs--AND 2 HUMANS. The humans are actually in the ring, and need to be able to separate the dogs without themselves being bitten--so can you explain how it would make sense to breed these dogs for human aggression? ANY dog can have issues and turn on a child or an adult--pit bulls are individuals, just like every other dog. They should be judged as such--each on their own merits. I walk every month with a group of pit bulls and their human caretakers--never had a single problem. Funny how someone without personal experience thinks they know more than someone whose life literally revolves around pit bulls. Hmmm.....the media runs on sensationalism, not truth. You might think and figure that out one day--but I won't hold my breath.
Ok Julie. You want to keep my daughter's picture up... ok... I can play this game too.
ReplyDeleteDo you not see how disturbing, weird, and just plain wrong it is that you have stranger's kids on your blog?! And you are talking about sacrificing them. Are you obsessed with death and destruction? Your poor husband... or is he a part of this too?! Does he know what you do with alllll of your time? You are gross. GROSS. These are minors. I am scared for my daughter's life with you... your sick and twisted views... its all too much. If this is what you have to do to keep yourself going in life and to feel important... that is SAD and pathetic. You don't like pit bulls so you abuse children. Awesome. You claim to care SOOOOO much about these kids and then YOU do THIS to them. This website is putrid. You should be ashamed of yourself, using innocent children to try and prove your sick and demented thoughts. Show your real face you coward. Where are your photos?! You have your husband out there for all to see... where are you? You're sleazy... a scumbag. THANK GOD I do not have your life... you are obviously very miserable and you must feel invisible if you have to do this. Well you want attention? You got it...
ReplyDeleteAmanda, have you reported this? There is a Report Abuse link at the top of the page.
DeleteYes I've been reporting and will continue to do so.
DeleteFor every story this CRAZY person posts about pit bull attacks. I can post THREE of a pit bull that has saved a life, or done something heroic. It is all perception. You want death and destruction? You will find it. You want love and happiness? You will find it.
ReplyDeleteBREAKING NEWS!!!!
Well, there is *quite* a fixation on parenting.. I think it's quite clear what's at the root of the macabre fixations
DeleteJulie's just jealous she never had kids so she feels the need to attack everyone who does have children. Makes her feel better, which if you think about, it's quite sad. I'll say it again, you're a miserable old hag that has nothing better to do than bash other people. You're jealous, bitter, and mean. There's a reason why God did not allow you to have children! Have fun with your internet life and everyone else's children that you like to stalk and take advantage of on the internet. You're a creep Julie. A creep. Pit bulls are safer to be around than you, so maybe you should make a blog about yourself and how mentally unstable and crazy you are. The world needs to be warned of YOU JULIE, not pit bulls, YOU!!!
DeleteApparently, she takes issue with mastiffs as well, judging by one of the photos of -gasp!- NOT A PITBULL. Could it be? Falsehood passed off as truth on BLOGSPOT?! NEVER!
DeleteAdditionally, LMAO.
ok? This is only a small portion of articles about other dogs killing/maiming. I was attacked by our golden retriever when I was 6 and had to get reconstructive surgery. I've worked for several years at shelters, and I've seen a lot of scary dogs, but I will never be scared of a well-behaved pit. So go find pictures of children with labradors, huskies, and golden retrievers, put them up here and write whatever nasty things about them you want. I don't see anything here coming from either experience or animal behavior knowledge, so I'm just going to hope that maybe you take a break from writing this crap, and maybe you'll be filled with a little less hate. You can find articles about anything, but until you actually get some life experience, reading about it won't get you anywhere. I also hope that you don't go around spouting racist rhetoric, talking about how black people are inherently dangerous as well. It's so sad when people fail to connect an event with the proper cause, and decide to demonize something to make themselves feel better. So sad you need something to hate so much....
Breaking news....Pit Bull falsely blamed for biting finger of child...it was the piranha! For some parents, not just any dog will do, and not just any fish will do...let's go for the dangerous ones!
Talk about public pics, Amanda Heidt is at least a 3 time loser.
lmao... that is not me you idiot. Nice try though...
ReplyDeleteHmm....you are both 25. My apologies if I am wrong. But your comments are certainly something I could see the person in the photo uttering.
ReplyDeleteI have to say, doppelganger in name and attitude certainly.
ReplyDeleteLaughs at the ignorance of the people who share my oxygen! I do not own pitbulls, however I have friends who do and they are great dogs. They are wonderful with kids and wouldn't hurt a flea. I however own dobermans. In the 70's my dobes, as sweet and non aggressive as they are, were in the same position as pitbulls. You guys are trying to desicrate a breed that many love. Its ridiculous. You speak out of fear not out of knowledge.
ReplyDeleteActually dobermans havee never been in the same league as pit bulls. In every decade since 1851, even the "decade of the dobermans", pit bulls have killed more americans than any other breed. If you look at serious injuries and deaths from canine attack in the US over the past 30 years, pit bulls have an astonishing lead over all other breeds. Rottweilers are a distant second, and attacks from all other breeds are basically statistical noise in comparison. It would behoove you to educate yourself just a wee bit before spouting off the tired old "first it was the dobermans" shtick.
ReplyDeleteWe are not trying to "desicrate" a breed of dog. That's not even a word, someone who is knowledgeable would know that. I think you mean "desecrate", which would imply that a dog is something sacred. It's not. The concept here, sorry you missed it, is foolish choices that "desecrate" something very sacred and should always be treated with care and respect, the life of a child.
If you advocates really want to help the image of the breed, you would do best to keep it as far away from children as possible, advocate for the truth, that these dogs are too unstable to be trusted as family pets when there are small children around. The next step, is to keep them on a leash perhaps with a muzzle, so they don't maul any one else or livestock or pets belonging to another person. If you think that the pit bull is something of a sacred cow, then don't let it go pit bull on another being...the "desecration" in this case would be done by those of you who own pit bulls, not those of us who are sick of reading about yet another attack or who have a memory of a pit bull "desecrating" a being we loved.
Excellent, excellent, excellent! Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely awesome MUST share article on the insane gambles parents of pitbulls take with innocent children. The churches that are turning a blind eye need to step up to the plate and stop ignoring this cult of selfishness and stupidity. SHARE
ReplyDeletePictures of babies with pit bulls are always showing up in comments on news stories about kids being killed by pit bulls. How much less class could somebody have?
ReplyDeletePictures of babies with pit bulls are always showing up in comments on news stories about kids being killed by pit bulls. How much less class could somebody have?