The world of pitbull enthusiasts and advocates has among its throngs, many colorful characters. In 1977, a beauty queen by the name of Joyce Bernann McKinney became a tabliod queen when her abduction and rape of a young Mormon Missionary, called the "Mormon Sex in Chains case", became somewhat of a media frenzy. She skipped bail, and was caught in the U.S. two years later, not serving any time for her "crime". She was later accused of stalking her victim. In 2011, a documentary film was made of the sensational story!
In 2008, she made the news again when she went to Korea to have her "service" pit bull Booger cloned. She is more afraid of the Mormon Church than she is of pit bulls it seems, and spent quite a large sum to have Booger cloned. Now she has a whole litter of Boogers. Ironically, she's highly critical of the Mormon Church, but has no problems with playing God, brought to you by the possibilities of Modern Science, whether it's ethical to go there or not....

In this category, TIA MARIA TORREZ deserves mention. Her shady operation once in California has now been cleft in to two parts like a regenerating two headed monster... now she has a donated facility in New Mexico for the "lifers" and her adoption operation been moved to New Orleans. Her criminal husband, her fascination of all things of an antisocial nature, her known contribution to the delinquency of minors, and her own spawn make her worthy of a robe and a crown, she's the queen! She continues to pimp dogs that are "cat and dog" aggressive, in fact most of them are! For about $200.00 plus the expense of travel ($500.00 - $1,000) you too can adopt one! To hell with the cats and those little dogs, or the children, should any of these dogs "somehow" get out!
UPDATE: Little did I know the depth of Tia's depravity, and fascination and connections with all things of a sordid and antisocial nature. She has links to the world's oldest profession. Boyscouts steer clear, she is REAL!
"Villalobos May Open Brothel To Cover Costs
L.A. pit bull rescuer may open brothel to cover costs
Woman toys with idea of running Nevada 'cathouse' to pay for rehab of maligned dog breed
By Dana Bartholomew
Contra Costa Times
A high-desert dog rescuer slated to run a controversial pit bull "academy" for Los Angeles has said she might reopen a *Nevada cathouse to fund her fledgling doghouse.
Tia Torres of Agua Dulce told a Nevada newspaper of plans to restore her defunct bordello property, which burned last week, into a "Garden of Eden-type" brothel.
The owner of Villalobos Pit Bull Rescue says she was joking, but she could easily become the brothel's next madam if money isn't forthcoming.
"If things don't happen soon, I may have to open up a cathouse to take care of my doghouse," said Torres, 47, whose comments had L.A. talk shows buzzing this week.
"Right now, I have a burnt-down piece of desert, so I don't think anything will happen to it in my lifetime."
Torres was supposed to open her first-of-its-kind academy to rehabilitate shelter pit bulls with the help of ex-convicts Aug. 4 at the South Los Angeles shelter.
But the City Council, worried about logistics and potential liability, has tabled the plan for more discussion.
They also questioned whether Animal Services General Manager Ed Boks had performed an end run around the council and civil service rules by hiring eight workers affiliated with Villalobos at a cost of $129,000 for six months.
Boks insisted he "did everything by the book" in developing the pit bull academy.
The former minister, who once drew fire by associating L.A. shelters with a "Hooters for Neuters" bikini contest, also said he was shocked at news that his pit-bull trainer planned to open a brothel in Nevada.
"I find it very difficult to believe," Boks said. "She bought the property that used to be a brothel and was going to transform it into an animal sanctuary."
If she were to become a madam in Nevada, he added, "I'll cross that bridge when it comes."
On Aug. 1, a weekly newspaper based in Fallon, Nev., reported that Torres, owner of the 10-acre bordello property destroyed last week by a mysterious fire, planned to reopen it as a brothel by the end of the year.
The former Salt Wells Villa, 75 miles east of Reno, was for decades a red-light stop for Top Gun airmen and local lawmen.
Thirty years ago, the brothel also lit up when the wife of a local sheriff, upset by her husband's periodic visits, tossed Molotov cocktails at its front door.
When Salt Wells Villa closed three years ago amid financial troubles and permit violations, its 75-year-old madam officially retired.
According to the Lahontan Valley News and Fallon Eagle Standard, Torres bought the property late last year after deciding that a brothel would support her California animal rescue.
She also planned to create a "mini-paradise" with tropical birds and exotic cats.
"Sex sells," the paper quoted Torres as saying. "It's the only industry that never fails in the economy. That's when I got the idea to start a brothel and generate money for my nonprofit."
Marlene Garcia, who wrote the story that became the heated subject of a popular radio show, said Torres was serious.
"She didn't seem like she was kidding to me," she said. "We talked for quite some time."
Torres first opened her heart and home to pit bulls in 1993 after rescuing a shelter dog found at the site of a double murder in Lancaster.
Her Villalobos Pit Bull Rescue is now the largest in the nation, with 200 pit bulls, most of them trained for good homes, therapy animals and Hollywood films.
Her "Pets in the Hood" program employs docile pit bulls to teach compassion and husbandry to children in juvenile hall at Sylmar.
And her practice of working with ex-cons not only helps rehabilitate pit bulls, but also parolees. Of the 20 who have come through Villalobos, none has gone back to prison, she said.
For the past nine years, she said, she has trained pit bulls for adoption at Los Angeles shelters. Pit bulls and pit-bull mixes comprise 25 percent of shelter dogs and 41 percent of all dogs euthanized.
Torres' rescue, however, ran into financial trouble after donations slowed to a trickle after Hurricane Katrina.
She said she never planned to open a brothel in Nevada but instead hoped to open a sanctuary for abused tigers and other exotic pets common to the state.
She said she had only kidded the Nevada paper -- tongue in cheek -- about reopening the Salt Wells Villa.
"I had wanted to make it a Garden of Eden in the desert, a tropical paradise," she said. "A cathouse for my cathouse."
But with all the controversy from critics screaming about the value of making over pit bulls and felons, she said the brothel idea looks better and better.
"It is a double stigma," said Torres, who is married to an ex-convict who did 14 years in prison for attempted murder. "I've got underdogs of both worlds; that's what this is all about.
"You may see Madam Tia next year. This is not the Boy Scouts of America or the Lassie Come Home Rescue.
"This is real."
Read more: http://www.pitbull-chat.com/showthread.php?1390-Villalobos-May-Open-Brothel-To-Cover-Costs&s=eb470baea2846acd4b08b59c484acb62#ixzz1suUGL11k
* Her real life "Garden of Eden" in Nevada was burned down. I think there should be an insurance fraud investigation....

The California woman who owns Salt Wells Villa said Tuesday she is saddened by a fire that destroyed the property she hoped to reopen as a brothel before the end of the year.
Tia Maria Torres said she wants to "create a mini paradise" on the Salt Wells property 15 miles east of Fallon.
"I hope to have small exotic cats and tropical birds. It will be very relaxing and very simplistic," Torres said about her plans to rebuild a brothel in Churchill County.
She purchased the property late last year after deciding that owning and operating a brothel would earn income to support her non-profit animal rescue foundation in Southern California.
Torres had already approached county officials to learn the necessary steps to re-open Salt Wells, which closed down in 2004 amid financial troubles and code violations.
"I want to continue on with its legacy but create a different flair," the Agua Dulce, Calif., woman said. "I'm a small-town girl and I want to create a Garden of Eden-type atmosphere."
Torres was notified of the Sunday morning fire that completely destroyed buildings which housed the bar, living quarters and rooms where the prostitutes took customers.
"Now I know how people feel when they come home and find their house has been robbed," she said about the news of the fire. "I feel so violated. It feels horrible. I'm devastated but am more devastated for the local people."
Torres, 47, said now that the buildings have been reduced to charred rubble, she doesn't know if that will make it easier or harder to gain county approval to open a brothel.
"I'm at their mercy," she said.
Agua Dulce is smaller than Fallon, Torres said, and she fell in love with Churchill County on previous visits.
"I love all the ranches. Nevada has always been the other state I wanted to live in. I'm a free-spirited person and Nevada is a free-spirited state," said Torres.
She decided to get into the brothel business after seeing friends in the adult entertainment business continue to prosper despite national economic setbacks.
"Sex sells. It's the only industry that never fails in the economy. That's when I got the idea to start a brothel and generate money for my non-profit," she said.
She plans to survey the damage next week.
"I'll come out and sit on the dirt and cry," Torres said.
Salt Wells owner devastated by fire
Bells on fingers,
Pits at her toes,
Devastation and fire
Follow where 'er she goes.
How L.A. County got rid of Tia Torrez.